Thursday, February 23, 2006
  On “ Body Work”
Body Work, as I learnt it, encompasses the following disciplines, techniques and methods amongst others: energetic, Eutony, Sensorial-Perceptive, expressive, theatrical and play. Its goals are: general improvement of the quality of life; prevention and treatment in the health field; involving the body to facilitate learning in the educational field and developing the person’s creative and artistic potential.

A person’s Body Image is the representation of the body. It’s internal, a metaphor of who we are. It is simultaneously composed of unconscious past and present relational experiences; it is dynamic, in constant construction and de-construction of the multiple images it admits.

Expression through language, modelling, painting, music and movement helps this dynamic process to take place. Loss of the ability to put one's Body Image at play (variation; construction/ de-construction) is possible sign of pathological processes; such as is an obstinate attempt at maintaining an inflexible and rigid internal image of ourselves.

Body Work helps us find new meanings and metaphors for the bond we have established with our body, our emotions and our surroundings.

(August 2005)

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“At the same time, I feel a growing nostalgia for the future, a memory of the future I have already experienced but somehow forgotten. (...)Equally, we have a growing premonition of our own births, which are about to take place. At any moment we may be born for the first time.” (J.C.Ballard “News from the Sun”)

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