Friday, August 19, 2005
  Can the body be here and now?
Sometimes another persons’ radiation is like the H Bomb.
Instant aging, unavoidable infidelity.
Shifting of the horizon through friction; and in spite of it.
Walking down our own evolution and retracing our steps.
Living “ahead of time”, as if such a thing were possible.
Experiencing wisdom we know is not ours.
Repeating the unrepeatable.
Layers of gauze, which provide consistency; rigidity; numbness; repertoire.
They don’t however, mount up; nor are they hollow.
They penetrate, but they’re not material.
They coexist and are diverse; yet they can also become indistinguishable.
We possess them and they possess us in return.
Can the body be here and now?
Thank God for our skeleton!

10/2004 - This text was written during the seminar on “Group Coordination, Body and Intervention”given by Patricia Mercado (Social Psychologist) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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“At the same time, I feel a growing nostalgia for the future, a memory of the future I have already experienced but somehow forgotten. (...)Equally, we have a growing premonition of our own births, which are about to take place. At any moment we may be born for the first time.” (J.C.Ballard “News from the Sun”)

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